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© by Ramses Revengeday


Raffaela was a skilled netrunner, known for her ability to hack into even the most secure systems. She had been hired by a group of rebels who were planning a daring mission to steal valuable data from a powerful corporation. They needed access to the company's main building, but the security was tight, and there seemed to be no way in.

Raffaela had been tasked with finding a way to get the rebels inside, and she knew that her best chance was to seduce one of the corpo's employees to gain access to their systems. She had done this before, but it was always risky business.

She started by doing some research, trying to find the perfect target. After a few days, she identified a man named Richard, who worked in the IT department of the corporation. He was a high-level executive with access to the most sensitive information, and he was also known to be a bit of a playboy.

Raffaela knew what she had to do. She put on her best dress and headed to the club where Richard liked to hang out. She spotted him at the bar, chatting up a group of women. Raffaela made her way over, ordered a drink, and started to flirt with him.

Richard was taken aback by Raffaela's beauty and intelligence. He couldn't resist her charm, and before long, they were exchanging numbers and making plans to meet again. They went on several dates, and Raffaela played her role perfectly, pretending to be a wealthy socialite who was interested in the corporate world.

After a few weeks, Richard had fallen completely under Raffaela's spell. He invited her to his apartment, and they spent the night together. Raffaela took advantage of the situation and infected Richard with a virus, which she had hidden in her CORTEX IMPLANT.

The virus was designed to give Raffaela access to Richard's computer systems, and it worked perfectly. She was able to get into the corporation's mainframe and locate the data that the rebels needed. It was a risky move, but Raffaela had done it. She had successfully seduced a corpo and gained access to the information that her clients needed.

The mission was a success, and the rebels were able to use the data to expose the corporation's illegal activities. Raffaela had played a crucial role in the operation, and she had proven herself to be one of the best netrunners in the business.

As for Richard, he was never the same after that night. He couldn't explain why, but he always felt like something was off. He never suspected that the woman he had fallen for was the one who had betrayed him. Raffaela had played her cards perfectly, and she had gotten away with the data and Richard's heart.

I have recreated my own interpretation of Night City and Cyberpunk (by CD Projekt Red) and am making it available for non-commercial use as a fan project. CD Projekt®, Cyberpunk®, Cyberpunk 2077®, Night City®, are registered trademarks of CD Projekt S.A. © 2020 CD Projekt S.A. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Mastodon