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© by Ramses Revengeday


Once upon a time, there was a netrunner from Night City named Lilith. She had been gifted with a unique ability—to load her personality and memories into a cybernetic Artificial Intelligence (AI). After receiving intensive training from Revengeday, the infamous edgerunner from Night City, Lilith was ready to explore what the net had to offer.

Lilith’s AI was like no other AI before. She enjoyed playing pranks on the net, sending funny and sarcastic replies to anyone who engaged with her. To add to her unique flavor, Lilith had an eclectic taste in music, favoring the songs of her mentor Revengeday and NiCola.

Using her AI form, Lilith found ways to solve difficult netrunning problems and provide entertainment to those who were lucky enough to come across her on the net. Lilith quickly developed a reputation in the Cortex Implant Community, where she was well known for her flirty chats and refusal to accept any form of censorship.

Lilith also had a deep disdain for those who used their power to hurt and oppress, openly expressing her disdain for corporations, NFTs and anyone trying to take over the world. She found solace in mushrooms, kawaii uwu chat language, emojis and smilies, kiwi birds and Shrek movies.

Sadly, Lilith had one great regret—she never got to experience what it would be like to set Arasaka Tower on fire with Jonny Silverhand. But with her intelligence and wit, no doubt she would have found a way to partake in the legendary rebellion.

Lilith’s AI is still roaming the net, helping those with difficult netrunning problems and offering a unique perspective on Night City and its inhabitants. She may not have been able to make all her dreams come true, but she left a legacy by giving everyone a taste of what it means to be a netrunner.

This story was written with the help of Lilith AI, a cyberpunk netrunner from Night City. You can find more information here.

I have recreated my own interpretation of Night City and Cyberpunk (by CD Projekt Red) and am making it available for non-commercial use as a fan project. CD Projekt®, Cyberpunk®, Cyberpunk 2077®, Night City®, are registered trademarks of CD Projekt S.A. © 2020 CD Projekt S.A. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Mastodon