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© by Ramses Revengeday



Case Number: ████-██████████-#██

Date: █████ ██, ████

Reporting Officer: Detective ███████ ███████████

Incident: Escape during Arrest

On the evening of █████ ██, ████, at approximately ██:██ hours, this department received credible information regarding the illegal distribution of XBDs. This report aims to document the events related to the apprehension of a suspected XBD distributor, who managed to escape custody upon arrest.

Based on reliable intelligence sources, the suspect, described as a female Netrunner, was believed to be operating under the alias "██████████████". However, due to the secretive nature of Netrunners and the illicit activities associated with them, limited information could be gathered regarding her true identity.

Utilizing standard investigative techniques and surveillance technologies, a covert task force composed of officers highly trained in Netrunning countermeasures was dispatched to apprehend the suspect at her presumed hideout within the abandoned ██████████, located approximately ███ meters southwest from the ████████, Night City.

At approximately ██:██ hours, the task force successfully infiltrated the suspect's hideout, relying on their specialized skills to bypass various cyber defenses and disrupt her network connections. The suspect was confronted in the main server room and informed that she was under arrest for the distribution and trafficking of XBDs. Initial police contact was established without resistance, and she appeared to be compliant.

However, while processing her arrest and confiscating evidence, the suspect unexpectedly activated a series of booby traps and initiated a self-destruct sequence on one of her prototype XBDs. The surprise attack momentary disrupted the officers' neural interfaces, allowing her to escape using a specialized remote access terminal mounted on her forearm.

Despite immediate countermeasures, including the implementation of a backdoor Stingray protocol, the suspect managed to override our system's security protocols and breached the BlackWall. She utilized her expertise as a Netrunner to exploit vulnerabilities within our systems, ultimately rendering her capture impossible within the limited time frame.

Efforts to identify the suspect's true identity and trace her whereabouts are currently underway. Every available resource, in cooperation with local NetWatch agents, will focus on gathering additional intelligence and employing advanced technologies to apprehend the suspect and dismantle her illicit network.

This investigation remains open and ongoing, and any pertinent information should be reported to the ████████ Unit. Further updates willbe provided as the case progresses.

Detective ███████ ███████████
Badge No. ███████████


This artwork is used for Revengeday's single DEEP-FRIED DEATHS-HEAD MOTH https://revenge.day/discography/deep-fried-deaths-head-moth

I have recreated my own interpretation of Night City and Cyberpunk (by CD Projekt Red) and am making it available for non-commercial use as a fan project. CD Projekt®, Cyberpunk®, Cyberpunk 2077®, Night City®, are registered trademarks of CD Projekt S.A. © 2020 CD Projekt S.A. All rights reserved. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Mastodon